• Important! Don’t forget the plaques or trophies if you haven’t already turned them in, your club will be penalized if in fact a trophy or plaque does not get returned on time and intact!
  • Reminder to all clubs participating in The opening ceremony GROUP NUMBERS, every skater plus one parent will be admitted for free all other family members or guests must pay evening mission. Also for the coaches who have skaters participating in the opening ceremony group number, can you please turn in a list of the kids names as well as the music prior to the ceremony.
  • All clubs have been assigned their times for check-in/raffle tables, please do your best to make sure you are in attendance and on time.
  • All clubs were asked to contribute food items for the officials anything that is non-perishable may be dropped off as early as Friday.

Looking forward to seeing you all, best of luck to everyone!