Hello Everyone,

For those of you who are not aware, the Northeast Region now has it’s own app through Team App.  This app is very user friendly and is available on your smart phone and or iPad.

All of the information you will need is in one place!  We have latest news, events, and all the documents related to USA Roller Sports.

Below is a picture of what Team App looks like. It’s free on the App Store.  Once you download the app, you will need to register and create your own login.  Once you are registered, you’ll need to look for: Northeast USARS and click on it.  That’s it! Click Here To Download!

This coming weekend there will be a survey sent out to all NE coaches that have the app.  Please have patience as this is the first time the region will be sending out a survey on the app.


If you have any questions, please free feel to contact Heidi at [email protected]