voteHeidi Permatteo is officially running for the Coaches Rep seat on the board of USA Roller Sports. Many of you already know Heidi through her years as a coach and she is the current Northeast Regional Representative. She also handles all of the secretarial work for the Regional Reps.

She is a highly self-motivated individual. Capable of working independently or with a group. As a skating coach, she has an excellent working relationship with her rink operator. Heidi believes her role is to help the rink operator’s customers to have a positive skating experience. The role as region’s coaches’ rep has allowed her to keep an open mind to others ideas and suggestions. In the coaches’ rep position, as an elected official, she will adhere to the wishes of the coaches in her region and not allow personal opinions to interfere with my job, which she has done a great job of thus far.

Heidi would be a very efficient Coaches Representative as she has a strong voice and a passion for our sport. She works all aspects of skating from classes, to beginners, to World-level skaters. When the ballots from USARS come out, please take some to consider Heidi for the position. Listed below are some bullet points of her skating resume:

  • Started coaching in 1993. As of 2015, an advance level coach
  • 2006 – present Vice Chairperson for the Northeast region
  • 2006 – present Coaches Rep for the Northeast region
  • 2014 – present Strategic Planning Committee for USA Roller Sports
  • 2015 – present Marketing Committee for USA Roller Sports
  • 2016 Northeast Region’s Hall of Fame Receipent
  • 2016 SRSTA Teacher of the Year